Minggu, 07 April 2019

Benefits of Plums

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar plum 
1. Improve the immune system
Black plums have a high vitamin C content that can help improve the immune 
system to avoid various types of infections and inflammation.
2. Maintain heart health
Black plums contain vitamin K which functions to control or regulate the heart 
rate and facilitate blood flow. So it is good for preventing blood clots in the body.
3. Prevent cancer
Black plums contain anthocyanin and phytonutrients which can stop the development 
of cancer cells but without killing ehat cells in our body.
4. Promotes digestion
Black plums contain a lot of fiber which is useful to facilitate the digestive process 
and improve the digestive system so that it can remove toxins in the body.
5. Maintain eye health
Black plums contain vitamin A. Vitamin A serves to maintain, protect and improve 
the quality of the eye organs in seeing.
6. Prevent anemia
    Black plums contain iron which can prevent anemia.
7. Maintain brain function
Black plums contain potassium which serves to help maintain brain function. It will 
also improve the thinking process and can help increase concentration and focus.
8. Protect from free radical attacks
Black plums contain antioxidants that are beneficial to the body and can reduce the 
amount of harmful free radicals in the body.
9. Reducing the risk of diabetes Badanmuourfoodstories.com
Black plums have anti-hyperglycemic properties that can control blood sugar levels. 
From the research also proved if black plum can reduce blood glucose levels and 
triglycerides in the body. Black plums can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
10. Maintain fetal health
Black plum fruit is very well consumed by pregnant women because it also contains 
calcium and folic acid which can help to maintain fetal growth and health.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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