Minggu, 31 Maret 2019

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, now I want to tell you a story about "Cleopatra and Mark Antony".
Let’s read now!

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Cleopatra is adored by each of its people, especially men because their beauty will not be matched by anyone. In the dim dusk on the island of Cyprus on a luxurious warship, the queen smiled triumphantly even though she already knew that Antony's army had been divorced by the strong and highly disciplined naval fleet of Octavian. He still smiled while staring at the Mediterranean that separates Cyprus Island and Crete Island. The bluish sparkle of the sea brought the queen's wish to her beautiful memories.
          Previously thanks to her beauty, Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor who had the slogan Vini, Vidi, Vici actually bent to his knees under his feet and did not continue the attack on the land of Egypt. Thanks to his beauty, Antonius fought Lepidus as his true friend. And thanks to that beauty, Antonius is now in his armpit like a baby who doesn't want to be left behind by his landlady. Especially now that only comes Octavian. Yes Octavianus, the niece of Julius Caesar who was once his lover. The Queen just kept silent while waving her hand indicating that she was not afraid and did not fear. His calmness is what makes his followers wonder, not playing. Why not, Actium was almost conquered by Octavianus.
        Once again the Queen was just silent, not giving a reaction of trepidation or fear. He remained calm like the calm of the Mediterranean, even a mysterious smile that was difficult to understand. He is sure of the power of his love, he can play with anyone. After defeating Antonius, Octavianus immediately occupied the City of the King. Heard that Cleopatra was on the island of Cyprus, wearing her great armor and thousands of their troops went to the island of Cyprus.
        Beautiful night, round bright moon, sweet smile, mysterious smile. Octavian climbed the luxury warship. All enemy soldiers subdued and knelt and became prisoners of war. The beautiful atmosphere mixed with respect for the greatness of Augustus Emperor Octavian. All of Octavian's troops looked amazed at the beautiful Queen Cleopatra like an angel and maybe no less beautiful than the Goddess Aprodite of Beauty. For a moment Octavianus fell silent. But on the other hand Cleopatra was no less surprised. Octavian, who in his mind was a normal man, turned out to be very handsome. Much more handsome than Julius Caesar and Antonius before. For a long time he was amazed at the trepana still motionless. Handsome, handsome, well-built and tough Paras is the figure he only met this time. The event was fast, very fast and Octavian was just silent with a very authoritative glare, calm and unresponsive. Roman soldiers who were stunned and inwardly could not bear to see the incident. No one knows what is in the mind of the great Emperor. That night the full moon was a beautiful smile different from Cleopatra's wry smile. The moon knew because Octavian was waiting for the birth of his son from his beloved wife, all of which was enough to defeat the seduction of the Queen of Love.

Alhamdulillah, the short story its over. I hopefully useful to reader.
Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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