Minggu, 10 Maret 2019

Biography of Jenderal Soedirman

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let's read now!

                                                   Hasil gambar untuk gambar jenderal sudirman 
Jenderal Soedirman was born January 24, 1916 in Bodas Karangjati, Rembang, Purbalingga. He is a hero who was involved in various Indonesian Independence efforts. His parents Siyem and Karsid Kartawiuraji. He joined the Muhammadiyah Islamic Organization and became a diligent and active student. He is respected by the community because of his expertise in leading the organization and his attitude towards religion. At thirty one years old, he became a general. He is a hero who sacrificed himself to defend the country and nation of Indonesia. Jenderal Soedirman received formal education from the Taman Siswa school, HK Muhamadiyah Solo. His military education began through Homeland Defenders in Bogor. With his attitude he became a battalion commander in Kroya. When the People's Security Army was formed, he was appointed as colonel. When Indonesia was attacked, he was sick. However, because of his commitment to responsibility as a military leader, he was again involved in attacking Dutch forces for seven months. Finally, he left the war because his condition became worse. He died on January 29, 1950 in Magelang when he was thirty four years old.
Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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