Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Benefits of Carrots for Health

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now guys!


Hasil gambar untuk WORTEL 

1. Rich in vitamins and minerals
    Carrots are known to be a very.  
    high source of vitamin A. Carrots 
    also have many other substances  
    in them, including calories, fat, 
    charcoal hydrate, calcium, 
    phosphorus, beta carotene, iron, 
    vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

2. Preventing myopic and improving 
    Carrots as vegetables are good for 
    the eyes. The content of carotene 
    and vitamin A can help prevent  
    the occurrence of night blindness  
    and improve weak vision. So, if 
    someone has decreased vision, it's 
    better to consume carrots more 
    often. If you really do not like to 
    eat carrots in a whole condition,  
    you  can grind and consume water 
    feeling, or you can also consume 
    carrots in the form of juice.

3. Make skin glow
    Carrots can make someone look 
    more attractive and look healthy. 
    Women and men with yellow light 
    are considered more attractive  
    and healthy. The yellow light. 
    arises from the yellow pigment, 
    commonly called carotenoids, 
    which functions to brighten the 
    skin and give a hue to the face. 
    Carotenoids can be found in 
    vegetables and fruits such as 
    carrots and plums.

4. Strengthens the fetus
    Vitamin A which is widely 
    contained in carrots can help 
    strengthen the fetus. Therefore, 
    pregnant women are strongly 
    advised to consume carrots 
    regularly. So that their contents 
    remain strong.

5. Improve endurance after illness
    High content of vitamin C in 
    carrots can improve endurance 
    after illness. So, if you have just 
    experienced a flu-like illness or  
    infection, don't forget to consume 
    carrots so that healing is faster 
    and you can return to your normal

6. Stengthens bones and teeth
    Carrots have a high enough 
    vitamin K content that can help 
    strengthen bones and teeth. 
    Carrots are also very good for 
    routine consumption by seniors to
    avoid osteoporosis.

7. Prevent heart disease
    Antioxidant substances in carrots 
    can provide positive benefits for 
    heart health.

8. Prevent strokes
    According to a study conducted at 
    Harvard University, people who 
    consumed more than six carrots a 
    week tended not to suffer a stroke 
    compared to those who consumed 
    only one carrot a month or less.

9. Digestive health
    Carrots are a good source of fiber 
    that helps regulate bowel 
    movements and helps digestion. 
    Efficacy of carrots to overcome 
    constipation and acid reflux.
    In addition, these fibers help to 
    lose weight and avoid the increase 
    in blood sugar.

Maybe useful. Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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