Minggu, 04 November 2018

Topic sentence and Supporting sentence


1.    Definition
Topic sentence, kalimat dalam suatu paragraf dapat dibagi menjadi topik dan kalimat penjelas. Topic sentence adalah masalah utama yang dibahas dalam suatu paragraf. Topic sentence sering disebut juga ide pokok, pokok pikiran, gagasan utama, gagasan pokok, dan pikiran utama.
Topic is a matter dealt with in text, discourse, or coversation.

2. Characteristic of  Topic Sentences :
a.       The characteristic of topic sentence :
-          The main sentence can stand alone and have a clear meaning, no conjunction is needed.
-          The main sentence is a general statement and can be developed.
-          The main sentence is ussualy at the beginning of the paragraph (deductive) or at the end  of  the paragraph (inductive).
-          The main sentence contains a problem that can be developed in detail.

b.      The characteristic of  explanatory sentence :
-          Describe or explain the topic.
-          Is a support of the main ideas or main sentences.

3. Location of  Topic Sentences :

a.       Topic sentences can be placed at the beginning of the paragraph (Deductive).

Example :
There are several causes of congestion in Jakarta. First, the large number of fleets is not balanced by the width of the road. Second, discipline of vehicle drivers is minimal. Third, there are many places that cause traffic disruptions, such as markets, railroads, street vendors, stops that are not functioning, floods, and so on. Fourth, the lack of clarity is the officer who is authorized to regulate traffic and take action against traffic violators.

b.      Topic sentences can be placed at the end of the paragraph (Inductive).

Example :
Many street vendors are somehow initially, like grouping themselves just by selling certain types of goods on a particular sidewalk. Next, look for the sidewalk as a special storefront. In fact, there are many famous sidewalk items in Jakarta that cannot be found in official shops. From this atmosphere there were many sidewalks that eventually became famous for their distinctive appearance.

c.       Topic sentences can be placed at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph (Deductive-Inductive).

Example :
All living things need food and drink to survive. Every type of animal survives by hunting food available in nature. Similarly, plants and humans need food and drink for their growth. So, animals, plants, and humans need food and drink to survive.


1.    Definition
Supporting sentence is a sentences that support or develop ideas expressed by a sentence topic of  a paragraph.

2. Characteristics :
a. Often a sentence that cannot stand alone.
b. The meaning of the sentence is clear after being connected with another sentence in 
   one paragraph.
c.  The contents are in the form of details, information.

     Type supporting sentences :

a.    Major
The one develops the controlling idea of the paragraph by telling the reader something new or different about that idea. It directly supports the controlling idea by making that idea more easily understood.
b.    Minor
One that develops its major support sentence by telling the reader something new or different abou that sentence and at the same time it helps its major support sentence develop the controlling idea.

3. How to Determine Supporting Sentence in paragraphs
a.       Read all paragraph.
b.      Determine the topic of sentence from the paragraph being read, the main idea the writer wants to tell, which is usually in the initial sentence.
c.       The position of the supporting sentence is usually always placed after the topic sentence. Because it serves as an explanation of the main idea that wants to be topic sentence.

Example :

Oatmeal has become a healthy food option for many people. This is because oatmeal has many positive benefits for our health. Some studies show by eating oatmeal regularly, it will help to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood sugar level and can help us to lose weight.

1 komentar:

  1. Kalau semisal contoh daripada kalimat di supporting sentences di atas berbeda dengan materi yang tadi bagaimana? Bisa.

    Mr. Irwan


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