Minggu, 07 April 2019

Benefits of Lemon

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello, let’s read now guys!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar lemon 
1. Drink lemon water to help reduce weight
The very high content of citric acid in lemon fruit can reduce weight quickly and 
drastically. Many believe the benefits of lemon for a diet are useful to help you lose 
2. Shrink the distended stomach
Distended stomach is a problem for many people. Who would have thought the 
benefits of lemon for a diet is to help reduce a distended stomach. The method is 
to consume enough lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water every afternoon 
and at least 3 times a week. As a result, the distended stomach will disappear.
3. Relieves stress
Lemon benefits for further health are useful for mental health by helping to relieve 
stress. Besides its many nutrients, lemon contains essential oils that are useful for 
improving mood. Even by just smelling the smell, stress will decrease and the mood 
can return to good.
4. Improve the immune system
It is common knowledge that vitamin C in lemons can provide additional antibodies. 
Therefore, it is not surprising if the benefits of lemon for health are to increase the 
body's immune system. So, indeed it is not without reason that there are many 
processed lemons which are predicted as health drinks.
5. Caring for oral health
The benefits of lemon for the health of the mouth area, such as dental care and 
making fresh breath. By mixing lemon juice and baking soda, you can use it as a 
tooth whitening liquid. While to make your breath fresh, you just need to rinse using 
lemon water. Even so, keep in mind not to use it often, because the acid content in 
lemon juice can potentially damage tooth enamel. It promotes digestion.
6. Prevent kidney stones
The next Lemon benefit for health is preventing kidney stones. Eating 1/2 cup of 
lemon juice every day is thought to help prevent the formation of kidney stones in 
the body of the sufferer. All this thanks to the content of citric acid in lemon which 
can help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and increasing urine 
7. Relieves stress
Lemon benefits for further health are useful for mental health by helping to relieve 
stress. Besides its many nutrients, lemon contains essential oils that are useful for 
improving mood. Even by just smelling the smell, stress will decrease and the mood 
can return to good.
8. Drink lemon water to help reduce weight
The very high content of citric acid in lemon fruit can reduce weight quickly and 
drastically. Many believe the benefits of lemon for a diet are useful to help you lose 
weight. Eating a glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice every morning can 
prevent the body from obesity or being overweight. But you have to remember there 
is no food or drink that can really lose weight significantly. You must combine the 
consumption of drinks or healthy foods with a weight loss program that is your 
9. Shrink the distended stomach
Distended stomach is a problem for many people. Who would have thought the 
benefits of lemon for a diet is to help reduce a distended stomach. The method is to 
consume enough lemon juice mixed with a glass of warm water every afternoon and 
at least 3 times a week. As a result, the distended stomach will disappear.
10. Brighten the skin
For oily skin, it is very problematic if facial skin looks shiny. Well, the benefits of 
lemon for the face is to help brighten the skin. How, lemon juice mixed with honey, 
can be used as a mask. Use regularly, the benefits of honey and lemon, to get the 
results of facial skin that looks fresher and brighter.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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