Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

Benefits of Protein

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo guys. Let's read now!

1. Improvement and growth
Protein plays an active role in the maintenance of body tissues, starting from the hair, 
skin, muscles, eyes. For this reason, protein is needed by children. Pregnant women 
are also required to consume lots of protein so that the fetus they contain can grow 
healthy and be born perfectly.
2. As an antibody builder
Protein will help antibody cells in the body to identify and surround antigens 
(viruses or bacteria) to remain confined until they are finally eradicated by white 
blood cells.
3. As an energy source
Protein is used as a source of energy in the human body. Eating foods that contain 
high protein, can help humans to treat tissue and other body functions. In addition, 
excess protein in the body will be converted into fat and become a backup energy 
source for the body.
4. Helps the body's metabolism
Protein to help regulate metabolism in the body. Protein is used to balance fluids 
in the body with acid base so that it will create a stable pH of the fluid in our body.
5. Facilitating chemical reactions
Protein can bind hemoglobin and transport oxygen from the blood.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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