Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

Benefits of Garlic

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now everyone!


Hasil gambar untuk gambar garlic 
1. Prevent flu
    The way to increase antibodies is. 
    to consume garlic and process it 
    in the form of soup or directly 
    consumed raw.

2. Lower blood pressure
    Eating garlic can reduce blood 
    pressure. Blood pressure 
    becomes low and the heart gets 

3. Reducing the risk of lung cancer
    Someone who consumes raw  
    garlic at least twice a week can 
    reduce the risk of lung cancer. 
    Even this reduction in risk is 
    quite large up to 44% compared 
    to individuals who do not. 
    consume garlic at all.

4. Acne medication
    Garlic is a natural remedy to 
    dispel unsightly blemishes. Its 
    antioxidant kills bacteria, so rub 
    the sliced garlic on zits for 
    effective topical treatment.

5. Overcoming hair loss
    Garlic can help strengthen and 
    encourage hair growth on the 

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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