Minggu, 17 Maret 2019

Benefits of Red Betel

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar daun sirih merah 
1.  Antiseptic
    The benefits of red betel leaf are used as antiseptics to cure infections.

2. Reducing blood sugar levels
    The benefits of red betel leaf are used to reduce blood sugar levels by drinking 
    boiled water. Red betel leaves have high antioxidant content which can reduce 
    oxidative stress that causes damage to body cells which triggers an imbalance 
    of the hormone insulin. Red betel leaves do not have any side effects to worry 

3. Maintain healthy oral and dental cavaties
The benefits of red betel leaf are used to maintain the health of the oral cavity 
and teeth by chewing it. Essential oil on betel leaves is a substance that is 
antiseptic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and has activity against several types of  
bacteria in the mouth. Meanwhile, the stem and leaves are also useful for   
treating digestive disorders, constipation, coughing, and asthma.

4. Maintaining the health of the digestive tract
The benefits of betel leaves on the health of the digestive tract are to normalize 
the stomach pH level to relieve stomach ulcers, gastric acid reflux, and pain that 
arises due to flatulence.
5. Acne Medication
Acne is a skin condition that produces excess oil glands which then mix with the 
pollutants that cause acne. In addition to using prescription drugs, acne can be 
overcome with red betel nut. By way of smoothing betel leaves, brew with hot 
water and wait for the water to cool. Then apply to the face with pimples.
6.  Eliminating body odor
Red betel properties to deal with body odor. How to get rid of body odor can use 
five red betel leaves. How, Boil all red betel in two glasses of water. When boiling, 
wait until the water shrinks to one glass of water. Strain the red betel boiled water 
    then drink in cold condition.

7. Treat prostate disease
Red betel benefits to treat prostate disease. How to make a potion to treat prostate 
disease is to boil five pieces of red betel leaf in two glasses of water. When boiling, 
wait for the water to shrink until there is only one glass of water and filter the water. 
Wait until the ingredients are cold, and drink twice a day regularly.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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