Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

Benefits of Cucumber

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now guys!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar timun 
1. Overcome swelling around the eyes
The most common benefit of cucumber known to the public is its ability to 
overcome swollen eyes. Swollen eyes from sleeping too late or tired eyes from 
working at the computer for too long. The trick, thinly slice the cucumber and 
put it in both eyes, do it while lying down for 15 minutes.
2. Maintain kidney health
Cucumber fruit contains silicon, fluorine, and potassium, and has a low calorie 
content, so the benefits of cucumber can help stimulate the kidneys to get rid of 
metabolic waste and fat deposits in the body. How to get the benefits of cucumber 
is easy, namely by consuming fresh cucumber juice. Do this method every day, 
until the stomach is accustomed to receiving liquid cucumber.
3. Helps the body stay hydrated
The other benefits of cucumber are to keep the body hydrated. Cucumber contains 
95.2 percent water, which means that a 5-ounce serving contains 4.8 ounces or 
150 ml of water. That means that around 26 percent of your daily water intake is 
met by cucumbers. If you are bored with water, you can also put pieces of cucumber 
into your drinking bottle such as making infused water. That way, the extra taste of 
the cucumber makes you drink more water.
4. Protect bones
Cucumber is a good source of vitamin K. One cup of cucumber contains 22 percent 
of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K. This vitamin is very important for 
bone health, because low vitamin K intake has been associated with a higher risk 
of fractures. Vitamin K is also important for increasing calcium absorption in bones.
5. Prevent constipation
Cucumbers contain lots of water and cucumber skin contains insoluble fiber. Both 
water and fiber in cucumbers can help digest food faster and younger, which in turn 
helps prevent constipation.
6. Lower blood pressure or hypertension
Because of its potassium content, cucumbers are believed to help lower blood 
pressure because potassium can regulate the amount of salt in the kidneys. For 
those of you with hypertension, usually in the body there is too high sodium levels.
High levels of sodium make the body's water content unbalanced which triggers 
an increase in blood pressure. To neutralize this, the body needs sufficient potassium. 
But many people do not get enough potassium intake every day. Therefore, to help 
balance sodium levels in the kidneys, you should regularly consume cucumber water. 
By consuming it, you will maintain blood pressure stability. In fact, cucumber water 
is also able to keep blood clotted naturally.
7. Helps to lose weight
For those of you who are running a weight loss program, one of the intake that can 
be tried is cucumber. Cucumber juice or water helps reduce calories in your body.
When you feel hungry and want to eat food, it is not only related to lack of food 
intake, but this condition also indicates that your body lacks fluids. Cucumber water 
drinks will help you feel fuller with very low calorie levels. If you don't feel hungry 
again after drinking methim water, you really only feel thirsty.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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