Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

Benefits of Orange Fruit

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now guys!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar jeruk 
1. Relieve constipation
Fiber source that is very well dissolved and insoluble. The fiber in it will excrete 
so it prevents irritable bowel syndrome. Oranges also stimulate the production of 
digestive juices and improve digestion.
2. Regulates Blood Pressure
Orange is a rich source of magnesium, which will regulate blood pressure. 
Flavonoids called hesperidin which are naturally contained in oranges can control 
blood pressure.
3. Prevent Cancer
Oranges are powerful antioxidant and immune enhancing agents. Contains limonene 
as a cancer inhibitor. This compound detects cancer cells and destroys them.
4. Protecting the Body from Heart Disease
The antioxidants in oranges fight free radical damage and help prevent cholesterol 
oxidation. Cholesterol oxidation tends to stick to the inside of the arteries and limit 
the blood supply to the heart and trigger a heart attack. Antioxidants neutralize the 
effects of these free radicals and protect the heart.
5. Fight Virus Infection
Oranges are rich in vitamin C to maintain immunity, so the body is able to fight 
infection better. In addition, the polyphenols in it are antiviral, killing viruses that 
enter the body before they can cause infection.
6. Strong bones
All foods containing calcium must be paired with foods rich in vitamin D so that 
the body absorbs calcium from food completely. Oranges have enough vitamin D 
which ensures proper calcium absorption and is good for bones. Oranges also 
contain ascorbic acid which helps calcium absorption better.
7. Strong teeth
Oranges are very good at maintaining gum health. Oranges strengthen blood vessels 
and connective tissue. Oranges also prevent the development of plaque. This fruit 
coat the teeth in the protective layer, preventing corrosion. Vitamin C in it reduces 
inflammation and also keeps your breath fresh longer by killing bacteria that cause 
bad breath.
8. Prevent Kidney Disease
Regular consumption of orange juice can prevent kidney stones by expelling excess 
citrate in the urine and reducing its acidity. Oranges also help kidney function better 
by preventing high blood pressure and controlling sugar levels.
9. Prevent Asthma
     Regular consumption of oranges can reduce the frequency of asthma   
     attacks. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce airway inflammation. 
     Oranges also neutralize oxidation damage by free radicals because they can 
     increase inflammation and cause asthma. The flavonoids in oranges reduce 
    bronchial sensitivity.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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