Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

Benefits of Cassava Leaves for Pregnant Women

Assalamualikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now guys!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar daun singkong 
1. Increase the Immunity of Pregnant Women
Cassava leaves contain vitamin C which is useful for increasing the immunity of 
pregnant women so that they will not be easily hurt. In addition, it also helps the 
absorption of iron which will prevent anemia in infants after birth.
2. Helping the formation of Antibodies
Cassava leaves contain protein to form antibodies to the body of pregnant women, 
so that pregnant women will stay healthy and focus more on taking care of the fetus 
in the womb.
3. Launch the digestive system
The high fiber content of cassava leaves plays a role in helping to facilitate the 
digestive system of pregnant women and helps not to be susceptible to digestive 
system disorders, such as constipation or other disorders.
4. Maintaining Bone Health of Pregnant Women
Cassava leaves contain phosphorus and calcium to maintain bone health in pregnant 
women, so that the bones of pregnant women will remain healthy.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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