Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Red Beans

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar kacang merah 
1. Promotes digestion
One very high content in red beans is fiber. In every 100 grams, red beans offer 
about 13 grams of soluble and insoluble fiber. This insoluble fiber is most commonly 
found in the skin while many soluble fibers are contained in the beans. Insoluble 
fiber is effective for pushing food in the intestine so that your digestive tract is more 
smooth. This fiber is also capable of removing toxins left in the body and maintaining 
the acidity of your stomach. This can help you avoid digestive problems, such as 
constipation and diarrhea. Meanwhile, soluble fiber will dissolve along with water 
and bind it to become thicker like a gel. This gel will stay in the stomach for quite a 
long time. Therefore, your stomach will not be left too long empty. Your risk of 
getting stomach ulcers also decreases.
2. Controlling appetite
Because red beans are rich in protein, soluble fiber, and complex carbohydrates, 
eating red beans can make you full longer. That way, you will not be easily tempted 
to find snacks or other foods.
3. Prevent diabetes
Fiber in red beans helps keep glucose from being released in the blood too quickly. 
Likewise with complex carbohydrates in red beans. Unlike simple carbohydrates that 
can dissolve easily, complex carbohydrates will not produce glucose in the blood as 
fast as simple carbohydrates. That way, your blood sugar levels won't suddenly rise 
so that it triggers diabetes. Red beans are also efficacious to prevent insulin resistance 
which risks increasing blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
4. Prevent cancer
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School revealed that a diet high in fiber can 
prevent cancer, especially breast cancer. Another study in France published in The 
Journal of Nutrition proves that a diet rich in fiber can reduce the risk of prostate 
cancer by almost 50%. Meanwhile, in every 100 grams of red beans, you can get 5
2% of fiber needs in one heart. Routinely consuming red beans will prevent you from 
the risk of cancer.
5. Prevent premature aging
The benefits of kidney beans are not only to prevent disease, but also to maintain 
youthfulness. Red beans contain high antioxidants, even exceeding antioxidants in 
certain vegetables and fruits. Even among other nuts such as soybeans or peanuts, 
red beans turned out to be champions in preventing premature aging. This is because 
the darker the color, the higher the antioxidant content. Antioxidants can counteract 
free radicals and prevent damage to body cells. These things are the trigger factors 
for premature aging.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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