Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Green Beans

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar kacang panjang 
1. Prevent cancer
Green beans have compounds that can fight cancer virus infections. So, green beans 
are very good for women to avoid breast cancer. Chlorophyll content in green beans 
can destroy karsiogenic effects which are one of the triggers of cancer.
2. Treating anemia
Green beans have iron that is high enough to be able to treat anemia or lack of blood.
3. Lose weight
Green beans contain very high fiber and are also low in fat. Mung bean can be your 
healthy snack on a diet. The fiber content can provide a longer feeling of satiety and 
less calories. With the consumption of green beans, your digestion is also healthy and 
4. Lower cholesterol
Green beans are very good for people who have high cholesterol, because green beans 
can reduce cholesterol levels.
5. Overcoming diabetes
The glycemic index in green beans is so low that it is very good for diabetics. 
With low levels of the glycemic index, it can reduce blood sugar levels. Nuts can 
regulate the symptoms of diabetes in patients or sufferers.
6. Reducing postmenopausal complaints
The benefits of green beans can reduce postmenopausal complaints because they 
have isoflavone compounds that are scientific estrogenic. Consuming green beans 
for women who are in a menopausal transition period can prevent osteoporosis 
whose substances can also stimulate bone formation.
7. Maintain heart health
The heart is a vital organ, it must be maintained with a healthy lifestyle by consuming 
nutritious foods. Fiber content in green beans can absorb fat and prevent plaque in 
blood vessels. This plaque can trigger heart disease and stroke. Green beans contain 
flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory polyphenol antioxidants that prevent blood 
clots in arteries and veins.
8. Strengthen bones
Green beans contain calcium and phosphorus and minerals that can stimulate the 
growth of bones and teeth in children and prevent osteoporosis in adults. In addition, 
green beans also contain vitamin K and A.
9. Good for pregnant women
Pregnant women are highly recommended to consume green beans. A study found 
that santa green beans are good for cell growth, so for the fetus that is conceived will 
have thick hair. In addition, green beans also contain vitamins B1, B2, folic acid, 
calcium, phosphorus, unsaturated fats and proteins which are all needed for pregnant 

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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