Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Cashew Nuts

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar kacang mede 
1. Increase stamina
The calorie content in cashews is very high, so it can be a very good nutrient for 
those of us who lack energy. Calories are the main energy source that can increase 
energy and stamina for activities.
2. Caring for hair and skin health
Cashew nuts are rich in copper and minerals, which are an important component for 
regulating the production of enzymes and copper. In one enzyme that contains copper 
with tyrosinase, tyrosine functions to convert to melanin, a pigment that maintains 
skin health and hair color.
3. Prevent cancer
Cashew nuts contain proanthocyanidins, one of which is flavanol, a substance that 
can stop tumor growth and stop the proliferation of cancer cells. In a study, showed 
that cashews can reduce the risk of colon cancer. As mentioned, this is because 
cashew nuts have very high copper content, besides cashews can also eliminate 
free radicals, as a source of phytochemicals and antioxidants that protect the body 
from cancer and heart disease.
4. Control your weight
The fat content in cashews is also very high. But the fat contained in cashews is a 
type of fat that is good for the body. In addition, the fat content in cashews is lower 
than that of almonds, soil, and other types of nuts.
5. Healthy heart
Cashew nuts contain oleic acid which can improve heart health. Oleic acid works to 
help reduce triglyceride levels associated with an increased risk of heart disease. 
High antioxidant content can also help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and 
coronary heart disease. Its magnesium content can help prevent heart attacks and 
lower blood pressure.
Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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