Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Peanuts

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Gambar terkait 
1. Overcoming depression
Peanuts contain tryptophan which can increase the release of certain chemicals. 
The release of these chemicals can increase serotonin levels so that depression can 
be overcome. If you are under stress, eating peanut butter or fried peanuts is a good 
2. Increase fertility
Eating peanuts can help increase your fertility. If you eat peanuts before pregnancy, 
this will increase your chances of getting pregnant. If you are pregnant, keep 
consuming peanuts as long as they do not cause allergies. Peanuts contain folic acid 
which can support fetal growth and prevent fetal nerve damage.
3. Prevent some diseases
The benefits of peanuts can prevent the occurrence of heart disease, cancer, 
Alzheimer's, and other sarah diseases. The problem of infection due to fungi and 
viruses can also be overcome by consuming peanuts.
4. Maintain skin health
The antioxidant content of peanuts has benefits for the skin. Peanuts can maintain 
the health of your skin through its antioxidant content. Antioxidants will prevent 
oxidation that will damage the skin. In addition, the content of vitamin E in peanuts 
will also protect the skin from oxidative damage. The benefits of peanuts can also 
protect the skin from exposure to UV rays from the sun which can damage and burn 
the skin.
5. Control blood sugar
The benefits of peanuts can help you in controlling blood sugar. This becomes a very 
important thing for you diabetics and also people who are elderly. The content of 
manganese in calcium can regulate blood sugar levels to remain normal. Normal 
blood sugar levels are very important to keep in order not to experience bodily 
metabolic disorders.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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