Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Benefits of Reading

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, let’s read now!

1. Can Mental Stimulation
The brain is one of the organs of the body that requires exercise to remain strong 
and healthy like other organs in the body. Reading books can keep the brain active 
so that it can perform its functions properly and correctly. Some studies have shown 
that reading books can stimulate mentally and even prevent Alzheimer's disease and 
2. Can reduce stress
By doing reading activities that can be done for several minutes can help suppress 
the development of stress hormones such as the hormone cortisol. Reading can make 
the mind more relaxed so that it can help reduce stress levels by up to 67%.
3. Add Insights and Knowledge
Reading a book can fill our heads about the various kinds of new information that we 
have not yet known, which is likely to be useful for us later. The more knowledge we 
have, then we will be better prepared to face the challenges of life both in the present 
and in the future.
4. Can Add Vocabulary
The more you do activities in reading books, the more you will get an explanation of 
things that you do not know, and can increase the number of vocabulary that you can 
use in your daily life. This of course can help us to be able to articulate, help express 
opinions in straightforward language, and can increase self-confidence when talking 
to other people.
5. Can Improve Memory Quality
Reading books can contribute to improving the quality of our brains in the process of 
remembering, the various things we have read. For example, character, background, 
ambition, history, and various kinds of elements or plots from each storyline. Every 
memory can help to forge brain pathways and strengthen them. In addition, reading 
activities can stabilize one's mood.
6. Train Skills for Thinking and Analyzing
The benefits of reading books can train the brain to be able to think more critically 
and analyze the problems presented in what we read. We like getting access or a way 
to get into the storyline and help in completing the story. This can help develop our 
character in the future.
7. Can Increase Focus and Concentration
When reading a book, we can train the brain to focus more and concentrate on what 
we read. This will train us to be more focused in conducting various kinds of daily 
activities or routines.
8. Train to be able to write well
With the increasing vocabulary that we have from reading books, it can automatically 
help us to be able to make our own writing with language that is as good or even 
better than what we have read before.
9. Can Extend Someone's Thought
Someone who likes to read books has been reported to have a higher level of 
creativity than people who don't or don't like reading. By reading books, we can 
share experiences with other people about various things, which we can later make 
as a material consideration to be able to decide something.
10. Can Improve Social Relations
Activities like to read this book also affect aspects of human social life, where he 
can be more familiar with various characteristics, culture, and social life of a society. 
So that if one day he visits the place, he already knows how to behave to respect their 
customs and culture.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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