Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Egg White Masks

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar masker putih telur 
1. Skin tightening
Increasing age, the elasticity of the skin will decrease and cause the skin to no longer 
tighten. Egg white masks can be an alternative for those of you who want to tighten 
facial skin. When you rub the egg white mask then rinse it, your face will feel tight 
in an instant.
2. Absorb and reduce excess oil
Egg white masks can be used to absorb and reduce excess oil. Rub the egg white 
thinly into the area of ​​your face that has excess oil then rinse it using cold water. 
Do this regularly to control the oil content in your face.
3. Reducing blackheads
To reduce blackheads, you just use an egg white mask on the area of ​​the nose, cheeks 
and chin, which is usually an area prone to blackheads. Egg whites naturally reduce 
the production of natural oils on the face and also reduce dirt and sebum which settles 
in the pore area. So that your pores will shrink and eventually reduce the blackheads 
on your face.
4. Prevent aging and fine lines on the face
The protein content in egg whites can maintain elasticity in the skin and also improve 
skin texture. Not only that, egg white also contains collagen which is able to ward off 
fine lines and wrinkles in the face area.
5. Overcome fine hair on the face
Egg white mask can overcome the soft hair on the face by rubbing the egg white mask 
into the area of ​​your face, let it dry and lift the rest of your egg white mask using a 
warm towel. The fine hairs on your face will be lifted effortless.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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