Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Coffee Masks

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo guys, let’s read now!

 Hasil gambar untuk gambar masker kopi
1. Lifting Dead Skin Cells
Coffee masks as face masks to remove dead skin cells that cause tearing on your 
face. As a result, your skin will look brighter and fresher. In addition, your face 
that was rough will feel softer and smoother.
2. Disguise acne scars
Stain from acne scars is very annoying and makes your skin look smooth. For that 
you should disguise the black or reddish acne scars using a coffee mask. For skin 
with acne scars you can use a coffee mask with honey mixture.
3. Disguise dark circles under the eyes
Panda eyes are a scourge for everyone because they will make you look sluggish 
and not fresh. How to eliminate it, you can make coffee without sugar, then use the 
pulp to be used as a mask that is applied under the eyes. For maximum results you 
can routinely do it two to three times a week.
4. Shrink pores
If your facial pores are large, your face will be greasy easily, causing blackheads 
and pimples. Therefore, you need a way to overcome it. An easy way, you can use 
a coffee mask regularly which will shrink the pores of your face so that your face 
will be free of oil, blackheads and pimples that often appear.
5. Skin tightening
Prevent wrinkles on the face with coffee masks. Coffee is known for its benefits 
that can eliminate the money. Use a coffee mask regularly to prevent premature 
aging. Coffee masks are the right choice to disguise fine lines or wrinkles and tighten 
the skin of your face.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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