Minggu, 21 April 2019

Benefts of Pineapple fruit

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar nanas 
1. Prevent bloating
The benefits of pineapple for health are the first to prevent bloating. 
Symptoms of flatulence are often a scourge because they are considered 
to interfere with daily activities. When you experience flatulence, you can 
eat pineapple fruit. The fruit that has thorns can reduce flatulence because 
there is a bromelain content in it. Bromelain is a substance that can help break 
down food so it can reduce bloating in the stomach. In addition, this substance 
can also reduce post-surgery inflammation, reduce pain, and relieve nasal swelling. 
You can take the benefits of pineapple for health to reduce flatulence.
2. Prevent cancer
The antioxidant content of vitamin C can fight cancer cells in the body. Besides 
pineapple fruit is also rich in other antioxidants, including vitamin A, beta carotene, 
bromelain, and various flavonoid compounds.
3. Maintaining bone health
The benefits of pineapple to maintain bone health. The properties of pineapple can 
be obtained by the body thanks to the content of important minerals such as calcium 
and manganese. Calcium can help maintain bone health and strengthen connective 
tissue, while manganese plays an important role in maintaining nerve and brain 
4. Prevent blood clots
The benefits of pineapple can prevent blood clots, because it has a role in producing 
hemoglobin in the body. If the body experiences a deficiency of this substance it can 
cause anemia, decrease in white blood cell levels, thyroid problems, and osteoporosis.
5. Fight free radicals
Pineapple contains vitamin C which is very high, vitamin C serves to protect the 
body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C can also help reduce the risk 
of atherosclerosis, colon cancer, and inflammation in the joints.
6. Overcoming dandruff
Benefits of pineapple to overcome dandruff. The trick, prepare a quarter of the ripe 
pineapple. Peel the skin, grate, squeeze, and then filter. Add hot water with juice 
from one lime and stir until smooth, then rub on the dandruff scalp. Do this method 
before going to bed and cleaning with shampooing the next day. Do it 2 to 3 days a 
7. Improve eye health
The benefits of pineapple can maintain eye health. Pineapple fruit contains 
ingredients that can improve eye health and prevent age-related or aging vision 
8. Inflammation of colds and sinuses
Besides having lots of vitamin C, bromelain in pineapple can help reduce mucus 
in the throat and nose.
9. Prevent hypertension
Higher amounts of potassium and lower amounts of sodium in pineapple can help 
maintain normal blood pressure levels.

10. Maintain skin health
Benefits of pineapple to maintain healthy skin. The benefits of pineapple are 
obtained from the manganese content in it. Manganese functions as an antioxidant 
that protects skin cells from damage to ultraviolet light. In addition, manganese 
helps prevent osteoporosis, and increases overall bone and mineral density.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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