Minggu, 21 April 2019

Benefits of Banana Leaves

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let’s read now!


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1. Made as a food cover
Banana leaves are used as a cover for various food dishes on the dining table 
so that their flavor lasts longer. That way, when eaten and eaten the food is still 
fresh and delicious.
2. Food packaging
The benefits of banana leaves as a wrap for food and traditional dishes so that 
the aroma is more pronounced with a better taste. Some traditional snacks also 
use banana leaves as a wrapper. Examples of tempeh wrapped in banana leaves 
will be more durable and will not rot for days.
3. Complementary religious rituals
Benefits of banana leaves as a complement to religious rituals. In some areas, 
especially in the countryside, certain religious rituals are still carried out using 
offerings with various foods brought. Banana leaves are used as a base or cover 
for food on the offerings.
4. A fever-lowering herb
Banana leaves are used to reduce fever in children. Take a young banana leaf, 
then apply coconut oil on the surface. Stick the banana leaves on the forehead, 
neck, stomach and back to children who have fever. Let stand about 30 minutes 
so that the properties soak into the body. Repeat several times until the fever drops.
5. Made an umbrella
Banana leaves can be used as an umbrella during the rainy season. Banana leaves 
that have not been torn apart are waterproof or waterproof. Therefore, some people
 make it as a protector or function as an umbrella in the rainy season. Many 
traditional people who live in the countryside still use banana leaves as an umbrella 
because it is easy to get.
6. Made various traditional toys
Banana leaves can be made from various traditional toys. These traditional toys use 
basic ingredients from banana leaves. Usually, these toys are made quite simple in 
shape, like clothes and scarecrows.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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