Minggu, 07 April 2019

Benefits of Star Fruit

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello, let’s read now guys!

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Star fruit is one type of fresh fruit that is often consumed. It has an acidic and 
refreshing taste, this greenish yellow fruit is very suitable to be processed into fresh 
snacks, such as rujak, sweets or pickles.
1. Prevent cancer
Star fruit can help prevent cancer. The content of polyphenol flavonoids found in 
this fruit can counteract the mutagenic effects of free radicals and remove them from 
the body, thus avoiding the risk of chronic diseases. In addition, starfruit is also rich 
in fiber, which can help cleanse toxins in the large intestine.
2. Is anti-inflammatory
The high number of antioxidants and flavonoids in star fruit can reduce the risk of 
skin inflammation, including psoriasis and dermatitis. Not only that, star fruit also 
contains abundant sources of vitamin C, which can help cleanse toxins and maximize 
collagen production in the skin.
3. Lose weight
Star fruit is very low in calories, but rich in fiber, so it is safe for consumption by 
someone who is undergoing a weight loss program. In addition, eating starfruit 
regularly is also claimed to be able to maximize the metabolic system, so that it can 
accelerate weight loss. Fiber contained in starfruit can also help make the stomach 
feel full longer.
4. Improve the immune system
Star fruit contains vitamin C. These vitamins are very good for boosting the immune 
system, so they can prevent the risk of diseases caused by viruses and bacteria that 
attack the body. In addition, vitamin C is also very good for maintaining healthy skin.
5. Control blood pressure
Containing calcium that is high enough, starfruit can help prevent the risk of various 
chronic diseases, such as oaterosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes by reducing 
plaque buildup in blood vessels and arteries. Not only that, inserting starfruit into the 
daily menu is also considered very effective for controlling blood pressure.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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