Minggu, 14 April 2019

Benefits of Noni Fruit

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

 Hasil gambar untuk gambar mengkudu
1. Increase stamina
    Drinking fruit juice containing a mixture of Noni is believed to increase 
    stamina for activities.
2. Reducing postoperative nausea
    Although not able to stop the symptoms of vomiting directly, but noni 
    can reduce postoperative nausea.
3. Reducing high blood pressure
    Drinking four ounces of Noni juice every day for a 
    month can help reduce blood pressure.
4. Relieves osteoarthritis
    Drinking three ounces of Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) every day for 1.5 
    months can help relieve pain in people with osteoarthritis.
5. Has high potassium levels
Eating noni can increase potassium levels in the body Potassium that is 
too high in the body can cause fatigue, nausea, difficulty breathing, kidney 
disorders, and the most severe are paralysis and heart problems.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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