Minggu, 28 April 2019

Benefits of Etawa Goat Milk

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

1. Maintain bone health
Goat's milk is rich in calcium and phosphorus which is useful for bone formation. 
Goat milk contains more vitamin A, potassium, and niacin when compared to cow's 
milk. But goat milk contains less folic acid, vitamin B12, and selenium.
2. Treating diabetes
Goat milk is a good intake that can be consumed by diabetics. Goat milk contains 
A2-Betakasein and Essential Amino Acids which are very good for diabetics for 
insulin formation. To get the benefits of goat's milk to the maximum, drink goat's 
milk without additional sweeteners.
3. Treating respiratory disorders
Fluorine and betacasein contained in goat milk are very good for treating respiratory 
disorders. The benefits of goat's milk are very useful for people with asthma or other 
respiratory disorders.
4. Prevent neurological diseases
Calcium content in goat milk is very useful for bone growth, teeth and prevent 
osteoporosis. In addition, the content of zinc and magnesium which are antioxidants 
in goat's milk can also prevent neurological diseases.
5. Improve the immune system
This is because goat milk contains more flourin.
6. Helps improve intelligence
This is thanks to the content of Riboflavin (Vit B2) and B3. Both of these substances 
are very useful in the growth of brain cells and nervous system cells. For pregnant 
women, consuming goat's milk is very good because it can increase the intelligence 
of children in the womb.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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