Minggu, 28 April 2019

Benefits of Soy Milk

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

1. Heart health
Soy milk contains proteins that humans need as a source of nutrition and growth. 
Proteins are made from amino acids which have the advantage of preventing various 
diseases. Amino acids and isoflavones contained in soy milk have a function to 
reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Some studies compare soy milk with cow's 
milk in lowering blood pressure. It was found that soy milk was able to reduce blood 
pressure better than cow's milk in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Among patients with type 2 diabetes, consumption of soy milk has a good effect on 
blood pressure. So, consumption of soy milk is very good for improving heart health.
2. Reducing post-menopausal symptoms
Soy milk can reduce health problems in women after menopause. Some studies have 
found that isoflavones in soy can maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women.
3. Prevent osteoporosis
Benefits of soy milk to reduce the possibility of osteoporosis in postmenopausal 
women. Osteoporosis is a risk experienced by women at the age of menopause. 
Lack of calcium can increase the occurrence of the disease.
4. Anti carcinogenic
Soy milk to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and reduce the risk of prostate 
cancer. In addition, breast cancer which is also associated with estrogen levels can 
also be prevented by consuming soy milk.
5. Anti oxidants
Antioxidant effects of isoflavone in soy milk to reduce the risk of chronic disease. 
Soy milk has anti-oxidant and liver protection effects that can help reduce oxidative 
stress and damage that occurs in the body.
6. Promotes digestion
Soy milk has lots of protein, fat, and carbohydrates which are good for the body. 
Isoflavones contained in soy milk are also good at increasing intestinal absorption 
so that digestion becomes more smooth.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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