Minggu, 21 April 2019

Benefits of Celery Juice

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let’s read now!


Hasil gambar untuk gambar jus seledri

1. Reducing inflammation in the body
Routinely consuming celery juice can provide benefits in the form of 
reducing inflammation in the body. Inflammation in body cells is at high 
risk in the presence of free radical exposure from the environment. The 
content of antioxidants, especially the types of flavonoids that are high in 
celery, is proven to be able to fight and prevent inflammation in cells and 
DNA in the body.
2. Suppress the occurrence of oxidative stress in the body
In addition to inflammation of the body's cells and DNA, exposure to free 
radicals and the intake of harmful substances in the body can also have an 
impact on the body in the form of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a 
condition that will increase the risk of degenerative diseases, such as stroke, 
cancer and coronary heart disease. The antioxidant content of flavonoids 
and vitamin C in celery juice is proven to be able to provide benefits to prevent 
and fight oxidative stress conditions in the body quite well.
3. Maintain healthy heart and kidneys
       The combination of nutrient content in celery juice, proven to be able to provide 
       benefits for heart and kidney health. This is because, the content of celery juice can 
       provide antioxidant intake and natural fluids that are easily absorbed by the body. 
       This condition was also proven in a study in 2014 which stated that various types of 
       antioxidants in celery can provide preventive benefits for diseases, for the heart, liver 
       and kidneys.
4. Celery juice can prevent cancer
A study says that consumption of celery juice can provide good healing benefits 
for cancer patients who are doing chemotherapy. This certainly can provide good 
benefits for the body in the form of prevention of cancer, supported by high content 
of antioxidants, complete, and easily absorbed in celery juice.
5. Lower blood pressure
The combination of substances in the leaves, stems, and celery seeds, has good 
antihypertensive properties to improve the work function of the artery walls in 
blood vessels. This then causes more controlled blood pressure and the body to 
avoid high blood pressure.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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