Minggu, 21 April 2019

Benefits of Corn Rice

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello everyone, let’s read now!


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1. Energy source
Corn rice is a kind of staple food that can be used as an alternative energy 
producer in the body. Because the basic ingredients are the benefits of corn 
which is a rich source of calories. The content of calories contained in corn 
rice ranges from 345 per 100 grams.
2. Overcoming digestive disorders
The fiber content in corn rice can meet around 18.4% of the recommended 
amount per day. This makes corn rice very useful to help reduce various 
digestive disorders such as hemorrhoids and constipation. Fiber is a substance 
that serves to help with defecation problems, namely by stimulating peristalsis 
and even stimulating the production of stomach and bile acids.
3. Overcoming complaints of diarrhea
The fiber content in the benefits of corn rice can reduce the possibility of 
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea.
4. Prevent cardiovascular disease
The fat content and anti-atherogenic effects found in the benefits of rice corn 
are believed to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders, namely by reducing 
cholesterol levels in the body. This can reduce the possibility of arterial blockages, 
reduce blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
5. Improve the immune system
In serving corn rice, there is also the content of beta-carotene which is a source 
of the benefits of vitamin A. We know that Vitamin A can be beneficial for 
maintaining healthy skin and increasing the immune system.
6. Reducing the risk of cancer
The fiber content in corn rice can reduce the risk of colon cancer. In addition, 
in corn rice is also rich in phenolic acid content, namely ferulic compounds 
which become anti-cancer agents. Where these compounds have been proven 
effective in fighting tumors in breast cancer and liver cancer. The content of 
anthocyanins found in corn rice is also able to fight free radicals that trigger 
7. Prevent anemia
The benefits of iron in processed corn can help prevent anemia, because these 
compounds can help the production of red blood cells in the body.
8. Maintaining bone health
The benefits of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium in corn rice can help 
maintain bone health. By regulating bone growth normally and increasing its 

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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