Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Benefits of Quail Eggs for Children

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, let’s read now!

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Consumption of quail eggs for children will provide several benefits, including:
1.  Healthy Child's Body Quail eggs are very effective against digestive 
    disorders, can increase immunity and good for brain and nerve 
    development in children.
2.  Possible small can cause allergies Low globulin content in quail eggs, safe for 
    children who are allergic to chicken eggs. Quail eggs also contain ovomucoid protein 
    which makes it able to minimize the occurrence of allergic reactions.
3.  Easy to digest the best food for children is food that is easily digested so it will not 
    burden the performance of the digestive organs which are still in the development 
    stage. The digestibility of animal protein in quail eggs is so high that it can be 
    completely digested in the body.
4. Good for child growth and development one of the main reasons why pediatricians 
    around the world suggest offering quail eggs for children is because these eggs are 
    rich in vitamins and nutrients. Very high protein content will increase the growth and 
    development of your child. Quail eggs are high in vitamin B1 which is very important 
    for the child's early development.
5. Good for the brain the content of choline which is rich in quail eggs is very good for 
    the development of brain function. Choline acts as a component of acetylcholine 
    whose function is to deliver nerve signals. The performance of nerve signals in the 
    brain will be helped by adequate intake of choline so that it can strengthen memory 
    in children.
6. Reducing the risk of several diseases. Quail eggs can reduce a child's risk of heart 
    disease, arthritis (inflammation or joint infection) and even cancer. This is caused by 
    high potassium intake from quail eggs, thus reducing the chances of getting the 

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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