Minggu, 14 April 2019

Benefits of Red Guava

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!


 Hasil gambar untuk gambar jambu biji merah

1. Maintain the digestive system
Benefits of red guava to maintain the digestive system. Merag guava has a 
fairly high fiber content. Fiber content can meet approximately 12% of daily 
fiber requirements. The antimicrobial effects in guava are able to overcome 
disorders such as diarrhea. The risk of various gastrointestinal infections can 
also decrease with regular consumption of guava.
2. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
The benefits of red guava can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. The content 
of fiber in guava is good for fat metabolism, so it can reduce cholesterol and 
prevent the formation of plaques in blood vessels. In addition, high potassium 
content in guava can also help to control blood pressure.
3. Overcoming the symptoms of diabetes
The benefits of red guava can overcome the symptoms of diabetes. Fiber or dietary 
fiber that enters the body will not be absorbed by the body, so it will not cause an 
increase in blood sugar.
4. Increase platelets
Patients with dengue fever who lack platelets will be strongly advised to consume 
guava because it can increase platelets.
5. Maintain eye health
Containing vitamin A and vitamin C in guava makes this one fruit capable of 
maintaining eye health.
6. Increase body immunity
        Red guava is a good source of vitamin C to maintain body immunity.
7. Maintain healthy teeth and mouth
The antimicrobial effects of duan guava can overcome various dental and oral 
problems such as tooth pain, swollen gums, and canker sores.
8. Good for skin health
Benefits of red guava for maintaining healthy skin. The antioxidant content in 
guava can prevent premature aging. Antimicroroba from guava extract can 
overcome skin problems such as acne and vitamin C which is very good for 
lightening the skin.
9. Prevent stress
Red guava has a variety of minerals needed by the body, namely magnesium 
which has a role in brain function in regulating moods. Megnesium can also help 
relax the nerves and muscles to make someone more calm.
10. Relieves menstrual pain
  Red guava plants also have benefits to relieve menstrual pain. That red guava 
extract does have a spasmolytic effect or can relax muscle tension.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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