Minggu, 14 April 2019

Benefits of Earthworms

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!


1. Earthworms can treat typhus
The antibacterial content in worms can fight the development of these bacteria, 
making typhus sufferers recover faster.
2. Earthworms can treat diarrhea
E. coli or Escherichia coli bacteria are said to be able to attack the digestive 
tract and cause diarrhea. Luckily, by using an earthworm extract which is 
antibacterial, this disease can be treated quickly.
3. Heal wounds faster
Earthworm extract is rich in arachidonic acid which can stimulate the skin to 
produce new cells so that it can help the wound healing process more quickly.
4. Promotes blood circulation
The benefits of earthworms can facilitate blood circulation. Earthworm extract 
has an enzyme that can help destroy bad cholesterol that clogs blood vessels so 
that it will make blood circulation more smoothly while maintaining the health of 
cardiovascular organs.
5. Maintain the immune system
Benefits of earthworms to maintain body health because earthworms have an 
introduction to memory and immunology.
6. Overcoming inflammation
The benefits of earthworms can overcome inflammation, the oxidation process, 
and become an indicator of serum biochemistry.
7. Overcoming blood vessel disorders
Fibrinolytic enzymes found in earthworms can be used as prevention of diseases 
associated with thrombosis or vascular disorders.
8. Increases energy
Because the taunine content in earthworms helps break down fat in the body into 
energy. In addition to getting additional energy, consumption of earthworms can 
also accelerate the decrease in fat when running a diet program.
9. Maintain blood sugar levels
Earthworms are safe for consumption by diabetics due to being able to control 
blood sugar levels in the body properly.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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