Minggu, 28 April 2019

Benefits of Horse Sate

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar sate kuda 
1. As an Energy Source
Horse meat contains protein and fat as an energy source other than carbohydrates. 
Thus, it is not surprising that after you eat horse meat, your body will be returned 
after losing energy.
2. Increase Stamina
Horse meat can increase stamina so that horse meat is consumed by men to restore 
the body's vitality to fatigue after working all day.
3. Maintaining Cholesterol Levels
The fat content of horse meat is low even 70 percent lower than beef and mutton. 
Thus, horse meat is safe for consumption by cholesterol sufferers, where they must 
avoid fatty foods. It's just that this processing of foods made from cholesterol-free 
horse meat must also pay attention to the cholesterol levels of other ingredients and 
their ingredients.
4. Lose Weight
If horse meat is safe for consumption by cholesterol sufferers, horse meat is also very 
good as a meal for those who want to lose weight. In addition to its low fat content, 
the protein content of follow horse meat is inferior to other meats such as beef. 
Besides that, the low amount of calories is very supportive of the diet program.
5. Add Muscle Mass
For an athlete or muscle bodybuilder it is very important. To increase muscle mass 
they do various treatments such as fitness, diet, and some even take supplements 
specifically for muscles. Usually these athletes also consume foods high in protein 
and low in fat such as eggs, horse meat, and other foods.
6. Maintain Bone Density
Horse meat has a very high phosphorus content compared to cattle, buffaloes, goats, 
chickens and others. This phosphorus with calcium plays an important role in 
maintaining bone density. In other words consuming horse meat can prevent 
7. Maintain Tooth Density
Teeth are important human organs that play a role in the digestive process. It turns 
out that besides maintaining bone density, phosphorus also acts to maintain tooth 
density. In other words, teeth are not brittle or easily broken.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Benefits of Snail Sate

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar sate bekicot 
1. Good for Muscle Development
This is caused by the content of animal protein and the high amino acid content in 
snail meat.
2. Curing Asthma
Give snail meat regularly to people with asthma, so over time, the symptoms of 
asthma from the sufferer will disappear, and eventually the asthma sufferer will 
3. Moisturize the skin
The content of various types of compounds in snail lenders has the ability to improve
 the function of the epidermis of the skin so that the skin can be better maintained 
moisture. Most treatment products from snail mucus also have claims to hydrate the 
skin so well that the skin avoids dry skin problems.
4. Overcoming acne
The onset of acne on the face is a result of bacterial infection. Snail mucus has 
antimicrobial properties so it can overcome inflammation caused by bacteria such as
acne. Besides being able to deal with zits, snail mucus is also believed to prevent 
pimples from coming back.
5. Prevent premature aging
Preventing premature aging is one of the most popular claims of facial care using 
snails. Some products even claim to disguise fine lines that have already appeared 
on the face. This is certainly still related to the benefits of snails that can facilitate 
skin regeneration.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Benefits of Soy Milk

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

1. Heart health
Soy milk contains proteins that humans need as a source of nutrition and growth. 
Proteins are made from amino acids which have the advantage of preventing various 
diseases. Amino acids and isoflavones contained in soy milk have a function to 
reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Some studies compare soy milk with cow's 
milk in lowering blood pressure. It was found that soy milk was able to reduce blood 
pressure better than cow's milk in patients with mild to moderate hypertension.
Among patients with type 2 diabetes, consumption of soy milk has a good effect on 
blood pressure. So, consumption of soy milk is very good for improving heart health.
2. Reducing post-menopausal symptoms
Soy milk can reduce health problems in women after menopause. Some studies have 
found that isoflavones in soy can maintain estrogen levels in menopausal women.
3. Prevent osteoporosis
Benefits of soy milk to reduce the possibility of osteoporosis in postmenopausal 
women. Osteoporosis is a risk experienced by women at the age of menopause. 
Lack of calcium can increase the occurrence of the disease.
4. Anti carcinogenic
Soy milk to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men and reduce the risk of prostate 
cancer. In addition, breast cancer which is also associated with estrogen levels can 
also be prevented by consuming soy milk.
5. Anti oxidants
Antioxidant effects of isoflavone in soy milk to reduce the risk of chronic disease. 
Soy milk has anti-oxidant and liver protection effects that can help reduce oxidative 
stress and damage that occurs in the body.
6. Promotes digestion
Soy milk has lots of protein, fat, and carbohydrates which are good for the body. 
Isoflavones contained in soy milk are also good at increasing intestinal absorption 
so that digestion becomes more smooth.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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