Senin, 11 Maret 2019

Benefits of Olive Oil

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Let's read now everyone!


Hasil gambar untuk gambar minyak zaitun 
1.  Cure acne
Olive oil can cure acne because it contains high vitamin E and its anti-inflammatory properties are useful for curing acne and scars. The antibacterial content of olive oil can cure acne due to bacterial infections. Antioxidants in olive oil, namely polyphenols can release toxins in the body, and prevent all types of infections that usually occur when spotty.

2.  Overcome dry skin
Olive oil contains vitamin E and high antioxidant content, so olive oil will be beneficial for skin health. Olive oil can replace the function of body lotion. By using olive oil throughout the body, you will have skin with the right moisture and don't need to worry about free radical attacks. Because the benefits of antioxidants are useful to overcome free radicals and are able to reduce inflammation that occurs in the skin.

3.  Whiten the face
Olive oil is useful for whitening the face. The content of polyphenols in olive oil will help protect skin cells from damage to ultraviolet exposure or free radicals. Olive oil will also help remove dead skin cells on your face so that your face looks cleaner and shinier. If you already use olive oil, you no longer need to use facial whitening products that are very expensive or do facial injections so that your face turns whiter, just by regularly using olive oil every day, then slowly but surely, you will get a bright face natural.

4.  Extend and thicken the lashes
Lashes that are long and thick are often dreamed of by womenfolk. The content of vitamin E that is useful for the health of the skin and hair will trigger the growth of lashes. Eyelash growth and fertility will automatically increase after using this olive oil. How to use it is enough to rub it around the lashes carefully, not to hit the eyes.

5. Thickens eyebrows
Olive oil contains nutrients vitamin E. Vitamin E will maintain healthy hair and nourish hair. With this combination, you will have thick, natural eyebrows. You need to note that you must use olive oil which is really pure and natural or has not been mixed with chemicals. You simply apply this olive oil to your eyebrows while gently massaging the olive oil to touch the hair roots of your eyebrows. for maximum results, you can do it every day before going to bed, just leave it overnight, then wash it the next morning.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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