Senin, 25 Februari 2019

Volcanic Eruption

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Let'read now guys!



       Mountain is a prominent surface above the earth's surface. The protruding surface is a straight line in the form of a vertical line like a natural pipe that serves as a link between the bowels of the earth and the earth's crust. Erupting mountain disasters are a big event. The factor of the occurrence of erupting mountains is first, an increase in the incidence of volcanic earthquakes. This increase is characterized by the occurrence of unusual activities. Examples of earthquakes are tens of times. In addition, it is caused by the movement of magma inside the earth, the hydritermal that takes place in the bowels of the earth. If it happens like that then the status of the mountain is vigilant and the community is encouraged to be more prepared and alert if at any time an undesirable condition occurs. Second, tectonic plate movements in the earth's layers. For example plate movement can result in increased pressure on the magma kitchen and eventually lead to magma being pushed upward until it is below the mountain crater. Third, the deformation of the mountain body is caused by an increase in magnetic waves and electricity, resulting in changes in the structure of the mountain rock layer that affects the inside. Fourth, the earth's plates are close together, causing great pressure to press and push the surface of the earth and cause tectonic, volcanic and geological activity from the mountain. Fifth, there is a high pressure, which is to push the magma liquid up and into the crater channel and then exit. The process of erupting volcanoes is clouds clumping up the mountain, river larvae flow on each side of the mountain or hot red ash and coals burst out of the mountain peaks and large chunks of rock will be thrown high into the air. As a result of the eruption of the mountain, has a positive and negative impact. The positive impact of a volcanic eruption is that soil fertility into an emaki increases. While the negative impact of erupting mountains is material losses, many agricultural and plantation lands are damaged, many houses are destroyed, many animals and plants die. Therefore, the way to avoid the occurrence of volcanic eruptions is to take refuge in a safe area and away from the erupting area of ​​the mountain.

Thank you.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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