Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

Benefits of Yogurt

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hallo guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar yogurt cimory 
1. Moisturize the skin
Spending time everyday in an air-conditioned room will certainly make the skin 
moisture levels decrease. As a result, the skin feels dry and uncomfortable. 
Moreover, dry skin can also be a cause of various other skin problems, such as 
zits or hives. Apparently, yogurt can be used to help deal with dry skin and even 
prevent it from drying out. This is because yogurt has lactic acid, anti-inflammatory 
properties, and antioxidants that can moisturize, nourish, increase skin elasticity 
and relieve itching due to dry skin. How to use: Mix yogurt and honey with a ratio 
of 4:1, stir until evenly distributed, then evenly on the face and skin. Let stand 
for 20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.
2. Caring for sunburned skin
Yogurt is rich in zinc which can help relieve pain in sunburned skin. To be more 
effective, you can also combine yogurt with a variety of essential oils that can 
overcome sunburn problems on the skin such as peppermint or lavender. How to 
use: Mix yogurt and 1-2 drops of essential oil, then apply to the problem area of ​​the 
3. Helps fight acne
Yogurt contains lactic acid which can act as an exfoliator and natural facial cleanser. 
Not only that, processed milk is also anti-bacterial so it can kill the bacteria that 
cause acne. Of course, in addition to fighting acne, yogurt will also moisturize and 
nourish the skin when applied. How to use: Apply yogurt to the acne area then 
massage gently for a few minutes. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with water 
until clean.
4. Caring for hair as a conditioner
The benefits of yogurt for hair to nourish and moisturize hair, so that the hair feels s
ofter and more shiny. In addition, because the content is anti-bacterial, yogurt also 
helps maintain clean hair and scalp, to help reduce dandruff. How to use: Apply 
yogurt to the hair, massage gently, let stand for 10-30 minutes, then rinse with water 
until clean.
5. Reduce the dark circles under the eyes
The zinc content in the yogurt can brighten, so it can help reduce dark circles, even 
scars. Besides helping to brighten up, yogurt is also able to nourish and nourish the 
skin in your eye area. How to use: Apply yogurt to the bottom of the eye, gently 
massage evenly, let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with water until clean.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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