Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Benefits of Kampung Eggs Chicken

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, let’s read now!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar telur ayam kampung 
1. Make a healthy heart.
The antioxidants contained in raw eggs are very good for heart health. Antioxidant 
content in 2 eggs of native chickens, more than doubled compared to an apple. 
For those of you who suffer from heart disease, please try consuming raw chicken 
2. Prevent cancer.
Eggs are very famous for their nutritional content. Tripofan and tyrosine are one of 
the nutrients contained in raw egg yolk. Raw egg yolk is very useful for anticancer 
3. Produce additional energy sources.
Raw eggs consumed can provide maximum energy for the body. Raw chicken eggs 
contain protein, carbohydrates, and iron compared to eggs that have been boiled or 
fried. A nutrition expert says, the human body will not have difficulty digesting the 
raw egg because of natural enzymes in the eggs that help the digestive process.
4. Helps the process of muscle formation.
Usually boiled white eggs are very good for forming muscles to make them look 
more athletic. Eating raw chicken eggs turned out to be very capable of a diet 
5. Cholesterol and fat free.
For those of you who usually like to consume fried eggs, you should immediately 
leave your habits and replace them with raw eggs. This is because fried eggs contain 
high saturated fat and cholesterol. Well, in raw eggs, the harmful ingredients such as 
cholesterol do not exist so they are much healthier.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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