Minggu, 07 April 2019

Benefits of Stawberry Fruit

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello, let’s read now guys!

Hasil gambar untuk gambar strawberry 
1. Treat acne
The content of salicylic acid in strawberries has benefits for treating acne naturally.
2. Smooth the skin
Strawberry fruit can lift dead skin cells. How to use this strawberry as a bath scrub. 
In order to get more benefits, mix strawberries that have been mashed with milk and 
olive oil. In addition to being smoother, the skin will look brighter.
3. Can prevent inflammation and allergies
Strawberries are fruits that contain low sugar making it suitable for diets of people 
with diabetes, fighting gout and arthritis.
 4. Maintain eye health
Age and nutrition can affect a person's eye health. However, with the presence of 
high antioxidants in strawberries, it is useful in fighting free radicals and of course 
while preventing premature aging.
5. High blood pressure
Because of the content of potassium and iron, strawberries are very effective in 
suppressing high blood pressure and making it normal again.
6. Heart disease
Because of its high fiber, folate, vitamin C and antioxidants, strawberries are quite 
effective in reducing cholesterol levels in the body and preventing heart disease.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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