Senin, 04 Januari 2021

Narrative Text

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Narrative Text

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Narrative Text

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Hello everybody, my name is Novita Ekasari Dewi. I am students' in Kadiri Islamic University of Kediri. I take English Education Departement. In this blog, I will share to you some material about learning. Today, I will share about Narrative Text. So, here we go.

Senin, 20 Mei 2019



b.   Name                  : YAQIN, LN1, SEKEN, K2, SUARNAJAYA, W3
c.  University      : English Laguage Education Study Program, Postgraduate  Program Ganesha University of Education Singaraja, Indonesia
d. Email                  :{ wawan.}

a. Concept           :
This study investigated the Pembayuns speech acts in Sorong    Serah ceremony of the Sasak marriage.
b. Subject               : Pembayuns Speech Acts In Sorong of Sorong Serah Ceremony Of Sasak Marriage
c. Method           : Designed as a descriptive qualitative research of the  ethnography of communication type and employed observations and interviews as methods of data collection.
d. Theory             : Wijana’s (1996), Austin’s (1975) and Searle’s(1969) models  of speech act theory and was done following Miles and Huberman’s (1994) interactive model of data analysis.
e. The Findings     : The findings of the study showed that the Pembayuns in  Sorong Serah ceremony conveyed speech acts of certain types that can be categorized as direct speech acts, indirect speech acts, direct nonliteral speech acts, indirect literal speech acts, and indirect nonliteral speech acts.
f. Words                  : 248 words
g. Keywords           : Speech Acts, Strategy, Sorong Serah, Sasak Marriage.

a.      Reason for the Study
Language is one of the most crucial human cultural symbols. Discussing language and culture is often symbolized as two sides of one coin as the two notions cannot be separated (Mahyuni, 2007). This is most basic argument that has to do with the nature of language in social practices. An effort to separate language from its cultural context is to neglect social conditions that give resonance and meaning in
b.      Research purpose
This study was focused on the types, forces, and speech act functions of the utterances used by the Pembayuns as speech participants in Sorong Serah ceremony.

Research Methods     : This study was a descriptive qalitative research with a natural setting as the direct source of data with the researcher taking a role of being the key instrument (cf. Bodgan and Biklen, 1982).
a.      Subject              : Pembayuns Speech Acts In Sorong of Sorong Serah Ceremony Of Sasak Marriage
b.      Methods               : Observations and interview.
c.       Tools                     : Video recorded and note-taking techniques.

Findings and Discussion
This section gives an overall picture of the results of this study, which corresponds with the research questions postulated. The research questions to be answered are concerned with speech act types, utterance force, and the speech act functions found in the Pembayuns’ utterances that occur in the speech event within the ritual of Sorong Serah ceremony. The following description present the results of data analysis that answer each research question, covering the types of speech acts, the force of utterance, and the functions of speech acts used by Pembayuns in the Sorong Serah ceremony.
a.      Findings Concerning the Types of Speech Acts in the Soronf Serah Ceremony
The speech act types that were used by the speech participants (Pembayun Pisolo, Pembayun Penyerah and Pembayun Penampi) in the Sorong Serah ceremony, cover: (1) direct speech acts, (2) indirect speech acts, (3) literal speech acts, (4) nonliteral speech acts, (5) direct literal speech acts, (6) direct nonliteral speech acts, (7) indirect literal speech acts, and (8) indirect nonliteral speech acts (Wijana, 1996).
b.      Findings Concerning the Force of the Utterances in the Sorong Serah Ceremony
The results of the data analysis concerning the force of the utterances used by the speech participants in the Sorong Serah ceremony can be stated as follows. In general, all utterances used by speech participants contained locutionary acts. The act that implied was based on the lexical meaning and the syntactical rules by unquestioning the intention or function of utterances. However, the utterance used by speech participants also contained illocutionary acts and perlocutionary acts. Based on the results of data analysis, the illocutionary acts utterances used by speech participants in the Sorong Serah ceremony could be seen from the intention, message, behind the lexical meaning of words.
c.       Findings Concerning the Function of the Speech Acts in the Sorong Serah Ceremony
The results of the data analysis showed that the speech participants in Sorong Serah used certain types of illocutionary act functions that can be categorized into directive, commissive, expressive, representative, and declaration functions. Directive function of speech acts were used by the speech participants in expressing requests. The directive function to express the intention of a command  
was not found in the utterances that were used by the speech participants.      Commissive function of speech acts used by the speech participants in the Sorong  Serah ceremony could be seen from the utterances that were oriented to future  action. The results of data analysis concerning the expressive function of speech acts used by the speech participants in Sorong Serah ceremony showed that there were certain forms speech acts that can be categorized into an expression of sympathy, happiness, and apologizing. However, the expressive speech act utterances used by speech participants in this study were not absolute, because the utterance could be revealed, as the expressions of sympathy as well as the expression of apologize. According to Searle’s (1969), the representative speech acts function is concerned with expressing the intention of message through the speakers’ utterances. The declaration functions of speech act in the study were mainly concerned with the utterances produced by speech participants that were in accordance with proposition and reality. It means that, the utterances used by the speech participants to express the relevancy between the statement and the action happening. Thus, the declaration functions of speech acts were used in the speech events of Sorong Serah ceremony.

Conclusion and Suggestion
            Based on the results of the data analysis of speech acts in the Sorong Serah ceremony of Sasak marriage. It can be concluded that, the types, forces, and the speech act functions were used by the speech participants in the Sorong Serah ceremony as an option toward strategies that could be used to express intention in certain situation and socio-cultural contexts that underlie the speech event. In relation to the forms of speech of acts, the indirect speech act was most dominantly used by speech participants in Sorong Serah ceremony which can be seen as politeness strategy in communication.
           Based on the conclusion described above, the following suggestions are offered: the types of speech acts in the Sorong Serah ceremony, which can be selected as a communication strategy in the situational and socio-cultural context. Politeness principles in communication should be introduced to young Sasak community in order to be understood, appreciated and applied to maintain the values and cultural norms of the Sorong Serah ceremony that upholds the politeness principles.

Minggu, 12 Mei 2019

How to Make Seblak

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hy guys, let’s read now!

Here are recipe for ingredients and how to make 

Hasil gambar untuk gambar seblak 
1. Raw starch crackers 50 g
2. Chicken eggs 1 grain, shake
3. Leaves 1 stalk, finely sliced
4. Celery 1 stalk, finely sliced
5. Salt 1 tsp
6. Flavoring 1/2 tsp
7. Sweet soy sauce 1 tbsp
8. 3 cayenne pepper
9. Red onion 2 cloves
10. Garlic 1 clove
11. Kencur 2 finger segments
      How to make: 
     1.     Soak the crackers in hot water 
      until it expands and drain and 
      give a little cooking oil so that
    it doesn't stick together.
2. Blend chili, onion, garlic, and 
    kencur until smooth.
3. Saute the spices until the aroma 
    smells good.
4. Add chives and celery slices. 
    Stir well.
5. Enter the crackers. Stir well.
6. Add the shaken egg, stirring it 
    into scrambled eggs.
7. Give a little water (2 tbsp) then 
    add salt and flavoring.
8. Stir until the water is reduced 
    or almost evaporates and then 
    add sweet soy sauce. Stir until 
  the water runs out.
9. Pour seblak that has been made 
    on the serving plate.
10. You can add a sprinkling of 
      fried onions on top.

Thank you.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Narrative Text

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